Croazia: "Bok Susedi"
For a better quality of life in the neighborhood.

14-10-2023/Varaždin, Croazia

Location: Trg Mali plac, Varaždin

"Bok susedi" is a local event sponsored by the city of Varaždin, part of the BLUE SAMM - Blueprints project for Local Green Deal in Small and Medium Municipalities project.

Numerous partners have responded to the call and cooperation: these include the Varaždin Vocational High School, the Varaždin Tourist Board, the City Market, the Varaždin Kindergarten, the Trakošćanska Institute, and many other institutions that want to contribute to a better tomorrow for the neighborhoods of Varaždin.

"Bok susedi" aims to encourage the socialization and active participation of citizens in shaping the public space of the neighborhood in which they live, as well as designing and enriching the content these spaces offer.

In addition to a wide range of recreational activities and workshops offered to an audience of all ages, aimed at promoting and presenting the neighborhood's entrepreneurial, artistic, study and recreational realities (art and sports workshops for children and youth, dance and music performances, exhibitions, presentation of artists...), ideas and suggestions from those who populate the neighborhood (from residents to entrepreneurs) were collected through questionnaires and workshops in order to develop plans to improve the public space of the local community.

Il focus dell’evento ” Bok susedi ” è soprattutto quello di riunire i cittadini per raccogliere idee su come rendere migliore il quartiere, sia per la qualità della vita che per l’impresa; occasione attraverso cui tutti possano attivamente contribuire alla creazione di uno spazio pubblico sostenibile e più vivibile a beneficio di tutti i membri della nostra comunità , promuovendo una rete di connessione tra spazio pubblico e privato, e contribuendo alla definizione del futuro della loro comunità.

The best ideas will be implemented through the Participatory Budget of the City of Varaždin.
